Why coaching?

It’s my calling and my passion to help, support and empower women. It’s an amazing gift to impact someone’s life in a positive way. It’s been a long personal journey of growth for me to be in a position to empower other women. It’s a result of years of continuous learning, discipline, commitment, responsibility for oneself, self-awareness, open-mindedness and relentless desire to grow, to be better, to realize my full potential and inspire others.

Habits and Routines Help me Thrive

Healthy Lifestyle

My philosophy for life is “health is our wealth.” Without our health, nothing else matters. My three non-negotiables for health are 1) adequate sleep, 2) healthy eating and 3) exercise.  Healthy lifestyle includes habits and activities that support physical and emotional well-being, the lifestyle you can sustain for life without going on diets, without depriving yourself, managing stress well, enjoying sports & activities; in a way, it becomes a habit.

It is hard to know what information to trust online; media consistently highlights one diet over the other, quick fixes versus focusing on sustainable approaches. How many women you know are trying to lose weight right now? If you want to improve the the quality of your life, I can provide you with proper information, tools and guidance.

I’m a runner, and running is my passion. I discovered running in 2007-08 when I started working at a local gym; I remember the day I ran 6 miles on the treadmill and realized how much I loved it. I’ve been a runner since, and ran 20+ half marathons (road & trail), marathon, multiple 10K, and other distances.

I used to run 10:30min/mile pace for a Half Marathon. Now I run 8:35min/mile pace. I used to think it was impossible for me to break the 10:00 min/mile pace for the Half. Now I’m working to break my current record pace. I invest time in learning about running, nutrition, VO2max, heart rate training and how women’s hormones affect fitness performance, and I see the results. I run less but with a purpose, I run more quality hours and feel great. If you want to stop running mindless miles and improve your performance, I know how to build a program tailored just for your. Alternatively, I can review your program and help you tailor it just for you to optimize your training and help reach your race goals.

I believe in finding your sport that gives you positive emotions—— hiking, walking, yoga, tennis, pilates, you name it, —as long as it helps you to be consistent with your routine.

Heathy habits empower us to thrive at home and at work. We are more resilient to stress, we are happier, we are more fulfilled and we are more present with our children, spouse, family/friends.

Family, Friends & Community

The relationships we have with people have the power to lift us up or bring us down. Relationships contribute to our overall wellbeing. The healthier your relationships are, the more you will thrive. It’s important to invest in these relationships and build a community around you. It is something you should do consistently, just like everything else, in order to see results.

How do you rate the health of your relationships? Are they the source of stress or joy? Do you have a trusted friend or colleague, a family member to turn for support in tough times especially? Do you frequently spend time with friends that brings you feeling of connectedness, joy and warmth? If this component is absent or lagging in your life, this a great long term goal to have and I can help you get there.

Career Coaching

I spent 15+ years working in a corporate environment, I can relate to what you experience today—I’ve been there, and that’s why I’m so passionate about supporting women in their career journeys. I built my own career, learned how to navigate workplace relationships and conflict, learned how to build work-life boundaries, and how to develop skills to help me succeed to reach my next level.

Before my second daughter was born, my job was very demanding and included travel (which was so difficult for me) and long hours, and I knew then it wasn’t the life I wanted for myself. I worked hard to change it and became a business (marketing) consultant, which gave me more flexibility and allowed me to be involved with my children, to be the parent I wanted to become, to have hobbies, and mentor other women. While this was my life goal, it is important for me to help you achieve your goals.

Parenting Coaching

I’m a parent. I have two little girls. Parenting is very important to me –we can help our children thrive by managing the personality they are born with, guiding them to bring out the best in them, to help regulate their emotions, develop a positive mindset, independence, and resiliency while being a sane, happy, balanced parent. Yes, it is possible—it takes time and investment from parents.

I struggled a lot being a parent and managing everything when my first daughter was born. I wasn’t thriving, I was surviving. Then I realized just because we become parents, we don’t automatically know how to parent. So I learned from the parenting experts—- I read one parenting book after another, listened to parenting podcasts —and still do daily—to find the right approach for each of my children, and it has been life changing.

Parenting is not easy and requires time, patience, and investment and most importantly, it is on-going learning through life. And if you are tired, exhausted, and over-worked at the end of the day, parenting becomes even harder. That’s why I advocate for establishing healthy habits and routines to become a better parent, and get the support because you aren’t born knowing how to be one.

A habit to learn

I think you may have noticed the theme of my life—my commitment and desire to learn, to educate myself on the things I don’t know and to apply that knowledge to life. I developed a habit to read since a young age, and for the past 10 years, I dedicate at least an hour a day to learn something new—by reading or by listening to books, videos and podcasts on the subjects that interest me. Majority of the books I read are about personal development, business management, human relationships, psychology books, women empowerment, healthy living, and parenting.

I understand not everyone has the time or the desire to read, but you have an option to invest in a coach to teach you years of life’s wisdom.